Sunday, February 26, 2012


BEIJING, June 17 Asia Pulse - The Internet Society of China (ISC) on Wednesday published the country's first standard of website traffic indicators.

The standard provided unambiguous definitions of five website traffic indicators in common use: the number of independent Internet Protocol (IP) addresses; the number of unique visitors (UV); page views (PV); visiting times; and visit duration.

Generally speaking, the development of China's Internet industry has kept in step with that of many developed countries. However, the country seriously lags behind the industry worldwide in terms of setting industry standards and codes of conduct, according to Gao Xinmin, vice chairman of the ISC.

The ISC initiated the standard formulation program at the end of 2008. More Internet service standards have been finalized and are expected to be announced soon.

(XIC) cg 17-06 1451

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